talyssa's digital garden Talyssa's Digital Garden

this is Talyssa's digital garden

you can think of it as a sprawling collection of digital references, miscellaneous artifacts, and fragmented thoughts. it's a personalized wiki, and it works similarly to a scrap journal or a commonplace book (see: this, this, and this) except that it's completely online and very easy to keep in tangent to my analog systems. i started this garden in 2022 out of curiousity and its relevance in my life waxes and wanes depending on what i'm interested in and working on.
if you want to see everything that exists in my garden, you can visualize it in this web

thanks for stopping by

feel free to drop a note in my guestbook
i also maintain a project website that explores intimate internet spaces, visit it here: smallweb.site

like a real garden,

this space is always growing and evolving. here are my indexes that can help you move around in this space:
site meta self science audio tech reads

& a few random notes:

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