the botanical mind

the botanical mind

is a collection by the Camden Art Centre in London that explores the multidimensionality of art forms expressed through, among, and with plants.

astrological botany

“The intrinsic connection between geometry, music and the earthly and astral realms has been contemplated by European philosophers and artists since antiquity. Stretching back to Pythagoras in the 6th century BC, the idea of a ‘Music of the Spheres’ prevailed in Europe until the Renaissance – a correspondence across all aspects of the universe, an implicit harmony, mathematical in principal, figured as an act of music”

Notes on the botanical mind: art, mysticism, and the cosmic tree

  • the reduction of the natural world (essentially objectification) by the west
  • Carl Jung’s red book and the common theme of the tree or tree of life, the parallel of branches and roots
  • sacred geometry and fractal geometry in nature, visions on psychedelics mimic this natural geometry and fractal geometry
  • philosophical and ethical engagement between humans and plants
  • Adam Chodzko’s O, you happy roots, branch and mediatrix
  • plant memory! plant response to stimuli, intelligence— what is the line between the natural world and the internet? what is a botanical network if not an iteration of the internet? plants respond to observation but exist regardless of observation, plant interact with surroundings, plants web/network

from the voynich manuscript

I’m fascinated by the intentions behind this collection to bring together contemporary & modern as well as sacred & spiritual artfroms that explore the forms of plants and nature as a whole.
This is a piece that will ultimately fit into my exploration of sacred geometry.

Notes mentioning this note
